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ENGL BC3208 What's Your Story Anyway?—Trauma Resistance through Creative Writing. 3 points.

Writing sample required to apply. Instructions and the application form can be found here: In this class we will explore the process of healing from trauma through the art of storytelling. We will ground ourselves in the writing of Latina authors whose work demonstrates the resistance from erasure in the United States. The goal of the class is to understand the connection between trauma and healing, through storytelling and creative writing. Moreover, we will develop three pieces of creative non-fiction that will encompass this relationship over the three different lenses of place, person and personal experience.

Fall 2022: ENGL BC3208
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ENGL 3208 001/00525 Th 9:00am - 10:50am
119 Milstein Center
Maria Hinojosa 3 0/12