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SOCI UN3246 Medical Sociology. 3 points.

Prerequisites: None

Examines the ways sociologists have studied the field of medicine and experiences of health and illness. We cannot understand topics of health and illness by only looking at biological phenomena; we must consider a variety of social, political, economic, and cultural forces. Uses sociological perspectives and methods to understand topics such as: unequal patterns in health and illness; how people make sense of and manage illness; the ways doctors and patients interact with each other; changes in the medical profession, health policies and institutions; social movements around health; and how some behaviors but not others become understood as medical problems. Course is geared towards pre-med students as well as those with general interests in medicine, health and society.

Spring 2022: SOCI UN3246
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
SOCI 3246 001/00035 T Th 4:10pm - 5:25pm
304 Barnard Hall
Amy Zhou 3 40/45