Economics Department Representative: Sharon Harrison
Mathematics Department Representative: David Bayer
Requirements for the Major
The Economics & Mathematics track requires a minimum of 15 courses (48 minimum credits).
Code | Title | Points |
Economics (8 courses) | ||
ECON BC1003 | Introduction to Economic Reasoning | 3 |
Select one of the following: | 4 | |
SENIOR THESIS II (two semesters of the Senior Thesis are optional) | ||
Two economics electives with an intermediate micro- or macroeconomic theory course as prerequisite | ||
Mathematics (7 courses) | ||
Two electives at or above the 2000 level *** |
- *
MATH UN3951 UNDERGRADUATE SEMINARS I, or an equivalent approved by the Chairs of the Mathematics and Economic departments is an acceptable alternative to ECON BC3063 SENIOR SEMINAR.
- **
- ***
MATH UN2030 ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS is an approved Mathematics elective. Also approved is MATH UN3951 UNDERGRADUATE SEMINARS I.
Students must obtain approval from each department representative before selecting electives. In exceptional cases, these may be from related fields; other courses can be taken with prior approval.
Cross-Listed Courses
Economics (Barnard)
ECON BC3018 ECONOMETRICS. 4.00 points.
Prerequisites: ECON BC3033 or ECON BC3035, and ECON BC2411 or STAT W1111 or STAT W1211, or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: ECON BC3033 or ECON BC3035, and ECON BC2411 or STAT W1111 or STAT W1211, or permission of the instructor. Specification, estimation and evaluation of economic relationships using economic theory, data, and statistical inference; testable implications of economic theories; econometric analysis of topics such as consumption, investment, wages and unemployment, and financial markets
Fall 2024: ECON BC3018
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
ECON 3018 | 001/00483 | T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm 504 Diana Center |
Anja Tolonen | 4.00 | 38/65 |
Spring 2025: ECON BC3018
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
ECON 3018 | 001/00848 | M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm 504 Diana Center |
Sinem Sonmez | 4.00 | 16/60 |
Prerequisites: An introductory course in economics and a functioning knowledge of high school algebra and analytical geometry or permission of the instructor. Systematic exposition of current macroeconomic theories of unemployment, inflation, and international financial adjustments
Fall 2024: ECON BC3033
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
ECON 3033 | 001/00046 | M W 10:10am - 11:25am 405 Milbank Hall |
Martina Jasova | 4.00 | 97/100 |
Spring 2025: ECON BC3033
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
ECON 3033 | 001/00755 | M W 11:40am - 12:55pm 302 Barnard Hall |
Nuria Quella | 4.00 | 48/50 |
ECON 3033 | 002/00756 | M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm 418 Barnard Hall |
Nuria Quella | 4.00 | 58/70 |
Prerequisites: An introductory course in microeconomics or a combined macro/micro principles course (ECON BC1003 or ECON W1105, or the equivalent) and one semester of calculus or ECON BC1007, or permission of the instructor. Preferences and demand; production, cost, and supply; behavior of markets in partial equilibrium; resource allocation in general equilibrium; pricing of goods and services under alternative market structures; implications of individual decision-making for labor supply; income distribution, welfare, and public policy. Emphasis on problem solving
Fall 2024: ECON BC3035
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
ECON 3035 | 001/00481 | M W 11:40am - 12:55pm 152 Horace Mann Hall |
Elizabeth Ananat | 4.00 | 52/60 |
ECON 3035 | 002/00482 | T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm 323 Milbank Hall |
Lalith Munasinghe | 4.00 | 32/60 |
Spring 2025: ECON BC3035
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
ECON 3035 | 001/00754 | T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm Ll003 Barnard Hall |
Lalith Munasinghe | 4.00 | 47/65 |
Prerequisites: An introductory course in economics or permission of the instructor. Intellectual origins of the main schools of thought in political economy. Study of the founding texts in classical political economy, Marxian economics, neoclassicism, and Keynesianism
Fall 2024: ECON BC3041
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
ECON 3041 | 001/00048 | T Th 8:40am - 9:55am 504 Diana Center |
Kurt Semm | 3.00 | 69/70 |
ECON 3041 | 002/00049 | T Th 10:10am - 11:25am 323 Milbank Hall |
Kurt Semm | 3.00 | 75/75 |
Spring 2025: ECON BC3041
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
ECON 3041 | 001/00863 | M W 4:10pm - 5:25pm 418 Barnard Hall |
Kurt Semm | 3.00 | 79/72 |
ECON 3041 | 002/00923 | T Th 2:40pm - 3:55pm Ll003 Barnard Hall |
Kurt Semm | 3.00 | 79/72 |
ECON BC3061 SENIOR THESIS I. 4.00 points.
Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor and completion of all courses (except for the senior requirement) required for the economics track, political economy track, or economics and mathematics majors. Exceptions to these prerequisites may be granted by the chair of the department only. Tutorials and conferences on the research for and writing of the senior thesis. This is the 1st semester of a two-semester course sequence
Fall 2024: ECON BC3061
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
ECON 3061 | 001/00484 | T 10:10am - 12:00pm 407 Barnard Hall |
Elizabeth Ananat | 4.00 | 7/7 |
ECON 3061 | 002/00485 | W 10:10am - 12:00pm 407 Barnard Hall |
Kurt Semm | 4.00 | 5/7 |
ECON 3061 | 003/00486 | Th 2:10pm - 4:00pm 407 Barnard Hall |
Sharon Harrison | 4.00 | 6/7 |
ECON BC3062 SENIOR THESIS II. 4.00 points.
Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor and completion of all courses (except for the senior requirement) required for the economics track, political economy track, or economics and mathematics majors. Exceptions to these prerequisites may be granted by the chair of the department only. Tutorials and conferences on the research for and writing of the senior thesis. This is the 2nd semester of a two-semester course sequence
Spring 2025: ECON BC3062
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
ECON 3062 | 001/00877 | |
Elizabeth Ananat | 4.00 | 7/7 |
ECON 3062 | 002/00876 | M 12:00pm - 2:00pm 913 Milstein Center |
Kurt Semm | 4.00 | 5/6 |
ECON BC3063 SENIOR SEMINAR. 4.00 points.
Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor and the completion of all courses (except for the senior requirement) required for the economics track, political economy track, or economics and mathematics majors. Exceptions to these prerequisites may be granted by the chair of the department only. Seminar sections are limited to 15 students. A topic in economic theory or policy of the instructors choice. See department for current topics and for senior requirement preference forms
Fall 2024: ECON BC3063
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
ECON 3063 | 001/00492 | Th 11:00am - 12:50pm 306 Milbank Hall |
Anja Tolonen | 4.00 | 16/16 |
ECON 3063 | 002/00493 | T 2:10pm - 4:00pm 912 Milstein Center |
Sharon Harrison | 4.00 | 18/16 |
ECON 3063 | 003/00649 | M 2:10pm - 4:00pm 405 Barnard Hall |
Martina Jasova | 4.00 | 17/16 |
Spring 2025: ECON BC3063
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
ECON 3063 | 001/00864 | Th 4:10pm - 6:00pm 214 Milbank Hall |
Lalith Munasinghe | 4.00 | 20/20 |
ECON 3063 | 002/00764 | T 6:10pm - 8:00pm 912 Milstein Center |
Elham Saeidinezhad | 4.00 | 19/18 |
ECON 3063 | 003/00769 | M 6:10pm - 8:00pm 308 Diana Center |
Rajiv Sethi | 4.00 | 16/16 |
MATH UN1101 CALCULUS I. 3.00 points.
Prerequisites: see Courses for First-Year Students. Functions, limits, derivatives, introduction to integrals.
Prerequisites: (see Courses for First-Year Students). Functions, limits, derivatives, introduction to integrals, or an understanding of pre-calculus will be assumed. (SC)
Fall 2024: MATH UN1101
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
MATH 1101 | 001/00081 | T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm 263 Macy Hall |
Lindsay Piechnik | 3.00 | 97/100 |
MATH 1101 | 002/00082 | Th 2:40pm - 3:55pm 405 Milbank Hall |
Lindsay Piechnik | 3.00 | 98/100 |
MATH 1101 | 003/11833 | M W 10:10am - 11:25am 203 Mathematics Building |
Marco Castronovo | 3.00 | 48/100 |
MATH 1101 | 004/11835 | M W 11:40am - 12:55pm 203 Mathematics Building |
Marco Castronovo | 3.00 | 64/100 |
MATH 1101 | 005/11837 | M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm 312 Mathematics Building |
George Dragomir | 3.00 | 92/106 |
MATH 1101 | 006/11838 | M W 4:10pm - 5:25pm 703 Hamilton Hall |
Alex Scheffelin | 3.00 | 29/30 |
MATH 1101 | 007/11840 | M W 6:10pm - 7:25pm 207 Mathematics Building |
Marco Sangiovanni Vincentelli | 3.00 | 19/100 |
MATH 1101 | 008/11841 | T Th 10:10am - 11:25am 520 Mathematics Building |
Soren Galatius | 3.00 | 42/45 |
MATH 1101 | 009/11842 | T Th 11:40am - 12:55pm 142 Uris Hall |
George Dragomir | 3.00 | 106/108 |
MATH 1101 | 010/11844 | T Th 4:10pm - 5:25pm 142 Uris Hall |
Marco Sangiovanni Vincentelli | 3.00 | 23/100 |
MATH 1101 | 011/11845 | T Th 6:10pm - 7:25pm 407 Mathematics Building |
Matthew Hase-Liu | 3.00 | 31/30 |
MATH 1101 | 012/00857 | M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm 152 Horace Mann Hall |
Wenjian Liu | 3.00 | 37/60 |
Spring 2025: MATH UN1101
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
MATH 1101 | 001/00472 | M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm 263 Macy Hall |
Dusa McDuff | 3.00 | 62/90 |
MATH 1101 | 002/15277 | M W 4:10pm - 5:25pm 407 Mathematics Building |
Qiyao Yu | 3.00 | 23/30 |
MATH 1101 | 003/15278 | M W 6:10pm - 7:25pm 312 Mathematics Building |
Brian Harvie | 3.00 | 104/100 |
MATH 1101 | 004/15280 | T Th 10:10am - 11:25am 614 Schermerhorn Hall |
Roger Van Peski | 3.00 | 25/100 |
MATH 1101 | 005/15281 | T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm 207 Mathematics Building |
Roger Van Peski | 3.00 | 23/100 |
MATH 1101 | 006/15282 | T Th 4:10pm - 5:25pm 407 Mathematics Building |
Che Shen | 3.00 | 20/30 |
MATH UN1102 CALCULUS II. 3.00 points.
Prerequisites: MATH UN1101 MATH V1101 or the equivalent.
Prerequisites: MATH UN1101 or the equivalent. Methods of integration, applications of the integral, Taylors theorem, infinite series. (SC)
Fall 2024: MATH UN1102
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
MATH 1102 | 001/11847 | M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm 207 Mathematics Building |
Andres Ibanez Nunez | 3.00 | 85/100 |
MATH 1102 | 002/11848 | M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm 207 Mathematics Building |
Andres Ibanez Nunez | 3.00 | 53/100 |
MATH 1102 | 004/11850 | T Th 8:40am - 9:55am 203 Mathematics Building |
Lucy Yang | 3.00 | 48/100 |
MATH 1102 | 005/11851 | T Th 10:10am - 11:25am 203 Mathematics Building |
Lucy Yang | 3.00 | 43/100 |
MATH 1102 | 006/11852 | T Th 6:10pm - 7:25pm 417 Mathematics Building |
Elliott Stein | 3.00 | 60/64 |
Spring 2025: MATH UN1102
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
MATH 1102 | 001/00477 | T Th 2:40pm - 3:55pm Ll002 Milstein Center |
Lindsay Piechnik | 3.00 | 88/90 |
MATH 1102 | 002/15285 | M W 10:10am - 11:25am 312 Mathematics Building |
Evan Sorensen | 3.00 | 49/100 |
MATH 1102 | 003/00493 | M W 11:40am - 12:55pm 323 Milbank Hall |
Wenjian Liu | 3.00 | 38/100 |
MATH 1102 | 004/15287 | M W 4:10pm - 5:25pm 606 Martin Luther King Building |
Jingbo Wan | 3.00 | 28/30 |
MATH 1102 | 005/15289 | T Th 10:10am - 11:25am 417 Mathematics Building |
Peter Woit | 3.00 | 21/64 |
MATH 1102 | 006/15291 | T Th 11:40am - 12:55pm 203 Mathematics Building |
Dawei Shen | 3.00 | 24/100 |
MATH 1102 | 007/15294 | T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm 312 Mathematics Building |
Andres Ibanez Nunez | 3.00 | 8/100 |
MATH UN1201 CALCULUS III. 3.00 points.
Prerequisites: MATH UN1101 MATH V1101 or the equivalent.
Prerequisites: MATH UN1101 or the equivalent Vectors in dimensions 2 and 3, complex numbers and the complex exponential function with applications to differential equations, Cramers rule, vector-valued functions of one variable, scalar-valued functions of several variables, partial derivatives, gradients, surfaces, optimization, the method of Lagrange multipliers. (SC)
Fall 2024: MATH UN1201
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
MATH 1201 | 001/00011 | M W 10:10am - 11:25am 504 Diana Center |
Wenjian Liu | 3.00 | 63/70 |
MATH 1201 | 002/11853 | M W 8:40am - 9:55am 312 Mathematics Building |
Deeparaj Bhat | 3.00 | 56/100 |
MATH 1201 | 003/11854 | M W 11:40am - 12:55pm 312 Mathematics Building |
Brian Harvie | 3.00 | 97/100 |
MATH 1201 | 004/11855 | M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm 203 Mathematics Building |
Brian Harvie | 3.00 | 89/100 |
MATH 1201 | 005/11856 | T Th 11:40am - 12:55pm 203 Mathematics Building |
Gyujin Oh | 3.00 | 97/100 |
MATH 1201 | 006/11857 | T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm 207 Mathematics Building |
Gyujin Oh | 3.00 | 101/100 |
MATH 1201 | 007/11861 | T Th 2:40pm - 3:55pm 207 Mathematics Building |
Yoonjoo Kim | 3.00 | 88/100 |
MATH 1201 | 008/11862 | T Th 4:10pm - 5:25pm 312 Mathematics Building |
Yoonjoo Kim | 3.00 | 81/100 |
Spring 2025: MATH UN1201
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
MATH 1201 | 001/00494 | M W 10:10am - 11:25am 405 Milbank Hall |
Cristian Iovanov | 3.00 | 33/90 |
MATH 1201 | 002/00496 | M W 11:40am - 12:55pm 405 Milbank Hall |
Cristian Iovanov | 3.00 | 58/90 |
MATH 1201 | 003/15298 | M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm 312 Mathematics Building |
Deeparaj Bhat | 3.00 | 94/100 |
MATH 1201 | 004/15300 | T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm 203 Mathematics Building |
Deeparaj Bhat | 3.00 | 85/100 |
MATH 1201 | 005/15301 | T Th 4:10pm - 5:25pm 203 Mathematics Building |
Rostislav Akhmechet | 3.00 | 91/100 |
MATH 1201 | 006/15302 | T Th 6:10pm - 7:25pm 203 Mathematics Building |
Rostislav Akhmechet | 3.00 | 89/100 |
MATH UN2010 LINEAR ALGEBRA. 3.00 points.
Prerequisites: MATH V1201, or the equivalent.
Matrices, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, canonical forms, applications. (SC)
Fall 2024: MATH UN2010
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
MATH 2010 | 001/00014 | M W 10:10am - 11:25am Ll002 Milstein Center |
Cristian Iovanov | 3.00 | 81/90 |
MATH 2010 | 002/00015 | M W 11:40am - 12:55pm 405 Milbank Hall |
Cristian Iovanov | 3.00 | 95/110 |
MATH 2010 | 003/11867 | M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm 142 Uris Hall |
Siddhi Krishna | 3.00 | 38/100 |
MATH 2010 | 004/11868 | T Th 10:10am - 11:25am 312 Mathematics Building |
Amadou Bah | 3.00 | 80/100 |
MATH 2010 | 005/11869 | T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm 203 Mathematics Building |
Amadou Bah | 3.00 | 76/100 |
Spring 2025: MATH UN2010
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
MATH 2010 | 001/00487 | M W 8:40am - 9:55am 263 Macy Hall |
Wenjian Liu | 3.00 | 85/100 |
MATH 2010 | 002/00491 | M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm Ll002 Milstein Center |
Lindsay Piechnik | 3.00 | 79/90 |
MATH 2010 | 003/15325 | T Th 10:10am - 11:25am 312 Mathematics Building |
Qiao He | 3.00 | 64/100 |
MATH 2010 | 004/15328 | T Th 11:40am - 12:55pm 312 Mathematics Building |
Qiao He | 3.00 | 78/100 |
MATH 2010 | 005/15331 | T Th 4:10pm - 5:25pm 312 Mathematics Building |
Elliott Stein | 3.00 | 56/64 |
Prerequisites: MATH UN1102 and MATH UN1201 MATH V1102-MATH V1201 or the equivalent.
Prerequisites: MATH UN1102 and MATH UN1201 or the equivalent. Special differential equations of order one. Linear differential equations with constant and variable coefficients. Systems of such equations. Transform and series solution techniques. Emphasis on applications
Fall 2024: MATH UN2030
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
MATH 2030 | 001/11872 | M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm 312 Mathematics Building |
Panagiota Daskalopoulos | 3.00 | 83/100 |
MATH 2030 | 002/11873 | T Th 10:10am - 11:25am 142 Uris Hall |
Jeanne Boursier | 3.00 | 49/100 |
MATH 2030 | 003/11874 | T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm 520 Mathematics Building |
Jeanne Boursier | 3.00 | 30/49 |
Spring 2025: MATH UN2030
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
MATH 2030 | 001/15344 | M W 10:10am - 11:25am 207 Mathematics Building |
Dawei Shen | 3.00 | 72/100 |
MATH 2030 | 002/15345 | T Th 11:40am - 12:55pm 207 Mathematics Building |
Panagiota Daskalopoulos | 3.00 | 100/100 |
Prerequisites: MATH UN1102 and MATH UN1201 MATH V1102-MATH V1201 or the equivalent and MATH V2010.
Prerequisites: MATH UN1102 and MATH UN1201 or the equivalent and MATH UN2010. Mathematical methods for economics. Quadratic forms, Hessian, implicit functions. Convex sets, convex functions. Optimization, constrained optimization, Kuhn-Tucker conditions. Elements of the calculus of variations and optimal control. (SC)
Fall 2024: MATH UN2500
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
MATH 2500 | 001/11875 | M W 4:10pm - 5:25pm 417 Mathematics Building |
Qiao He | 3.00 | 48/64 |
MATH 2500 | 002/11876 | T Th 10:10am - 11:25am 517 Hamilton Hall |
Roger Van Peski | 3.00 | 50/75 |
Spring 2025: MATH UN2500
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
MATH 2500 | 001/15346 | T Th 10:10am - 11:25am 203 Mathematics Building |
Xi Shen | 3.00 | 102/100 |
Prerequisites: two years of calculus, at least one year of additional mathematics courses, and the director of undergraduate studies' permission.
Prerequisites: Two years of calculus, at least one year of additional mathematics courses, and the director of undergraduate studies permission. The subject matter is announced at the start of registration and is different in each section. Each student prepares talks to be given to the seminar, under the supervision of a faculty member or senior teaching fellow
Fall 2024: MATH UN3951
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
MATH 3951 | 001/00078 | |
Cristian Iovanov | 3.00 | 49/64 |
Prerequisites: MATH UN1202 MATH V1202 or the equivalent, and MATH V2010. The second term of this course may not be taken without the first.
Prerequisites: MATH UN1202 or the equivalent, and MATH UN2010. The second term of this course may not be taken without the first. Real numbers, metric spaces, elements of general topology, sequences and series, continuity, differentiation, integration, uniform convergence, Ascoli-Arzela theorem, Stone-Weierstrass theorem
Fall 2024: MATH GU4061
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
MATH 4061 | 001/11858 | T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm 417 Mathematics Building |
Sven Hirsch | 3.00 | 53/64 |
MATH 4061 | 002/11859 | T Th 2:40pm - 3:55pm 417 Mathematics Building |
3.00 | 61/64 | |
Spring 2025: MATH GU4061
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
MATH 4061 | 001/15369 | M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm 614 Schermerhorn Hall |
Julien Dubedat | 3.00 | 52/100 |
Prerequisites: Calculus through multiple integration and infinite sums. A calculus-based tour of the fundamentals of probability theory and statistical inference. Probability models, random variables, useful distributions, conditioning, expectations, law of large numbers, central limit theorem, point and confidence interval estimation, hypothesis tests, linear regression. This course replaces SIEO 4150
Fall 2024: STAT GU4001
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
STAT 4001 | 001/15171 | M W 6:10pm - 7:25pm 301 Pupin Laboratories |
Arian Maleki | 3.00 | 94/200 |
Spring 2025: STAT GU4001
Course Number | Section/Call Number | Times/Location | Instructor | Points | Enrollment |
STAT 4001 | 001/14003 | T Th 6:10pm - 7:25pm 329 Pupin Laboratories |
Cristian Pasarica | 3.00 | 78/100 |
STAT 4001 | 002/14004 | M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm 517 Hamilton Hall |
Sumit Mukherjee | 3.00 | 39/86 |