2024-2025 Edition

Environmental Biology

Advisers: Hilary Callahan (Biological Sciences), Paul Hertz (Biological Sciences), Brian Mailloux (Environmental Science), Krista McGuire (Biological Sciences), Martin Stute (Environmental Science)

Requirements for the Major

For requirement details, see Environmental Biology Major Worksheet, envbioworksheet.doc.

Introductory Biology, Chemistry, and Environmental Science with Laboratory
 - CHEM BC3328
or CHEM BC2002 General Chemistry II
Ecology Lecture
or BIOL BC3380 Applied Ecology and Evolution
Ecology Laboratory
BIOL BC2873Laboratory in Ecology3
Organismal Biology Lecture
Select one of the following:3
Vertebrate Biology
Biology Lecture
Select one additional lecture course in Biology (not including those listed above under organismal biology)
Environmental Methodology
Select one of the following:3
Field Methods in Environmental Science
Environmental Science
Select one additional course in Environmental Science.
Data Handling
Select one of the following:3
Statistics and Research Design
Senior Essay
Select one of the following:

Note: Calculus, Physics, and a second year of Chemistry are recommended for students planning advanced study in Environmental Biology.

Advice for the Environmental Biology Major

Adviser: Co-Chair, Brian Mailloux

Students may substitute courses taught at Columbia (in the Departments of Biology, Earth and Environmental Sciences, or Statistics) or at other institutions with the prior approval of both major advisers. Calculus, Physics, and a second year of Chemistry are recommended for students planning graduate study in Environmental Biology.
Students interested in Environmental Biology often choose to spend a semester "abroad", at the School for Field Studies program, the Organization for Tropical Studies, or at comparable programs offered by other institutions. We encourage students to take advantage of such opportunities, and we expect that most of the courses they complete in these programs will be accepted in lieu of some of the major requirements. In addition, we recommend that those students planning to go abroad in the junior year elect to do so in the Fall Semester rather than the Spring Semester in order to take best advantage of senior seminar research planning and programming.

Students who elect a major in Environmental Biology will have a major adviser in each department. Although one member of the faculty will serve as the primary adviser, requests to substitute courses from Columbia or other institutions must be approved by both major advisers.
Internships or some type of work or field experience are extremely valuable in preparing students for careers in the environment. Go to the Environmental Science website for Opportunities & Affiliations for listings or see Beyond Barnard. Studies have shown that students who have had related work experience are more attractive to employers and graduate schools.

Students should check the catalogue and the department for additional information on the major and courses offered by Barnard and Columbia. Classes with grades less than C- or taken pass/fail can not be counted towards the major.  The minimum number of course points for the Environmental Biology Major is 51.5 points.

See also Senior Research Seminar for information on senior thesis requirements completed in Environmental Science Department.

Cross-Listed Courses

Biological Sciences (Barnard)


Prerequisites: This course is suitable for majors & fulfillment of pre-health requirements. A high school biology background or equivalent preparation is highly recommended. For those without this background seeking to major in biology, BIOL BC1002 & BIOL BC1012 are recommended in the fall of their freshmen year, followed by the year-long 1500-level lecture & lab sequence. BIOL BC1500 & BIOL BC1502 do not have to be taken in a fall to spring sequence.
Co-requisite: (strongly recommended) BIOL BC1501 This course is suitable for majors & fulfillment of pre-health requirements. A high school biology background or equivalent preparation is highly recommended. BIOL BC1500BIOL BC1502 form a 2-semester introductory biology series and do not have to be taken in a fall to spring sequence. Detailed introduction to biological phenomena above the cellular level; development, anatomy, and physiology of plants and animals; physiological, population, behavioral, and community ecology; evolutionary theory; analysis of micro-evolutionary events; and systematics

Fall 2024: BIOL BC1500
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 1500 001/00008 M W 8:40am - 9:55am
304 Barnard Hall
Emlyn Resetarits, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 3.00 233/230


Prerequisites: BIOL BC1500 lecture is a pre- or co-requisite (preferred). Students must also enroll for a section of BIOL BC1511 recitation. A high school biology background or equivalent preparation is highly recommended. This course is suitable for fulfillment of biology major and pre-health requirements. Enrollment is limited to 16 students per section.
A laboratory-based introduction to the major groups of living organisms; anatomy, physiology, evolution, and systematics; and laboratory techniques for studying and comparing functional adaptations

Fall 2024: BIOL BC1501
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 1501 001/00437 M 1:10pm - 4:00pm
Ll016 Milstein Center
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 16/16
BIOL 1501 002/00438 M 1:10pm - 4:00pm
Ll018 Milstein Center
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 14/16
BIOL 1501 003/00439 T 9:10am - 12:00pm
Ll016 Milstein Center
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 16/16
BIOL 1501 004/00440 T 9:10am - 12:00pm
Ll018 Milstein Center
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 16/16
BIOL 1501 005/00441 T 1:10pm - 4:00pm
Ll016 Milstein Center
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 16/16
BIOL 1501 006/00442 T 1:10pm - 4:00pm
Ll018 Milstein Center
Henry Truong, Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez 2.00 15/16
BIOL 1501 007/00443 W 1:10pm - 4:00pm
Ll016 Milstein Center
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 14/16
BIOL 1501 008/00444 W 1:10pm - 4:00pm
Ll018 Milstein Center
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 13/16
BIOL 1501 009/00445 Th 9:10am - 12:00pm
Ll016 Milstein Center
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 14/16
BIOL 1501 010/00446 Th 9:10am - 12:00pm
Ll018 Milstein Center
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 15/16
BIOL 1501 011/00447 Th 1:10pm - 4:00pm
Ll016 Milstein Center
Jessica Goldstein, Henry Truong 2.00 16/16
BIOL 1501 012/00448 Th 1:10pm - 4:00pm
Ll018 Milstein Center
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 15/16
BIOL 1501 013/00449 F 10:10am - 1:00pm
Ll016 Milstein Center
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 13/16
BIOL 1501 014/00450 F 10:10am - 1:00pm
Ll018 Milstein Center
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 12/16


Prerequisites: BIOL BC1002 or equivalent preparation. Course suitable for fulfillment of premedical requirements. Together with BIOL BC1500 this course is part of a yearlong introductory sequence. BIOL BC1500 and BIOL BC1502 do not need to be taken in sequence.
Detailed introduction to cellular and subcellular biology: cell structures and functions, energy metabolism, biogenesis of cell components, biology of inheritance, molecular genetics, regulation of gene expression, and genes in development

Spring 2024: BIOL BC1502
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 1502 001/00567 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
304 Barnard Hall
Rishita Shah, Henry Truong, Abigail Gutierrez 3.50 229/230


Prerequisites: BIOL BC1502 lecture is a pre- or co-requisite (preferred). Students must also enroll for a section of BIOL BC1513 recitation. A high school biology background or equivalent preparation (such as BIOL BC1002 & BIOL BC1012) is highly recommended. This course is suitable for fulfillment of biology major and pre-health requirements. Enrollment is limited to 16 students per section; must attend first lab to hold place.
A laboratory-based introduction to cell and molecular biology. Both classic and modern approaches are used to investigate principles of heredity as well as the structure and function of cells and their molecular components. Lab exercises introduce practical techniques and data analysis

Spring 2024: BIOL BC1503
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 1503 001/00598 M 1:10pm - 4:00pm
913 Altschul Hall
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 16/16
BIOL 1503 002/00599 M 1:10pm - 4:00pm
912 Altschul Hall
Henry Truong, Abigail Gutierrez, Jessica Goldstein 2.00 15/16
BIOL 1503 003/00600 T 9:10am - 12:00pm
913 Altschul Hall
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 16/16
BIOL 1503 004/00601 T 9:10am - 12:00pm
912 Altschul Hall
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 15/16
BIOL 1503 005/00602 T 1:10pm - 4:00pm
913 Altschul Hall
Henry Truong, Abigail Gutierrez, Jessica Goldstein 2.00 15/16
BIOL 1503 006/00603 T 1:10pm - 4:00pm
912 Altschul Hall
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 16/16
BIOL 1503 007/00604 W 1:10pm - 4:00pm
913 Altschul Hall
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 15/16
BIOL 1503 008/00605 W 1:10pm - 4:00pm
912 Altschul Hall
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 16/16
BIOL 1503 009/00606 Th 9:10am - 12:00pm
913 Altschul Hall
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 12/16
BIOL 1503 010/00607 Th 9:10am - 12:00pm
912 Altschul Hall
Jessica Goldstein, Henry Truong 2.00 9/16
BIOL 1503 011/00608 Th 1:10pm - 4:00pm
913 Altschul Hall
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 16/16
BIOL 1503 012/00609 Th 1:10pm - 4:00pm
912 Altschul Hall
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 15/16
BIOL 1503 013/00610 F 10:10am - 1:00pm
913 Altschul Hall
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 13/16
BIOL 1503 014/00611 F 10:10am - 1:00pm
912 Altschul Hall
Jessica Goldstein, Abigail Gutierrez, Henry Truong 2.00 13/16


Prerequisites: BIOL BC1500, BIOL BC1501, BIOL BC1502, BIOL BC1503 or the equivalent.

Prerequisites: BIOL BC1500, BIOL BC1501, BIOL BC1502, BIOL BC1503 or the equivalent. Survey of plant biology emphasizing evolutionary and ecological perspectives on mating and reproduction, physiology, anatomy, and morphology.

BIOL BC2262 Vertebrate Biology. 3 points.

Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: BIOL BC1500, BIOL BC1501, BIOL BC1502, and BIOL BC1503 or the equivalent.

Systematic survey of the Phylum Chordata: fossil history, biogeography, systematics, natural history, body architecture, energetics, locomotion, feeding, and behavior.

BIOL BC2272 ECOLOGY. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: BIOL BC1500, BIOL BC1501, BIOL BC1502, BIOL BC1503 or the equivalent. This course is a pre- or co-requisite for BIOL BC2873 Laboratory in Ecology.
The definition of ecological problems in experimentally tractable ways; the design of experiments and analysis of ecological data; class projects on population ecology. Students conduct individual projects during last month of term

Spring 2024: BIOL BC2272
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 2272 001/00570 M W 10:10am - 11:25am
805 Altschul Hall
Emlyn Resetarits 3.00 5/40

BIOL BC2286 Statistics and Research Design. 3 points.

Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: BIOL BC1500, BIOL BC1501, BIOL BC1502, BIOL BC1503 or the equivalent, college-level algebra or the equivalent. General Educational Requirement: Quantitative and Deductive Reasoning (QUA)

Introduction to basic principles of statistics and experimental design. Topics include common statistical procedure, analysis of data, sampling populations, power analysis, and the design of experiments. This course differs from traditional statistics courses by explicitly integrating statistics into research process.

BIOL BC2873 Laboratory in Ecology. 3 points.

Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: BIOL BC2272 (which can be taken as a pre- or co-requisite). Enrollment is limited to 16; must attend first lab to hold place.

The definition of ecological problems in experimentally tractable ways; the design of experiments and analysis of ecological data; class projects on population ecology. Students conduct individual projects during last month of term.

BIOL BC3320 MICROBIOLOGY. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: BIOL BC1500, BIOL BC1501, BIOL BC1502, BIOL BC1503, and BIOL BC2100 or the equivalent. This course is a pre-requisite for BIOL BC3321 Laboratory in Microbiology.
Prerequisites: BIOL BC1500, BIOL BC1501, BIOL BC1502, BIOL BC1503 or the equivalent, and BIOL BC2100. Survey of the diversity, cellular organization, physiology, and genetics of the major microbial groups. Also includes aspects of applied microbiology and biotechnology, the function of microorganisms in the environment, and the role of microbes in human diseases


Per Semester

This year-long course is open to junior and senior Biology majors and minors. Students will complete an independent research project in Biology under the guidance of a faculty mentor at Barnard or another local institution. Attendance at the weekly seminar is required. By the end of the year, students will write a scientific paper about their project and give a poster presentation about their research at the Barnard Biology Research Symposium. Completion of this year-long course fulfills two upper-level laboratory requirements for the Biology major or minor. This course must be taken in sequence, beginning with BIOL BC3591 in the Fall and continuing with BIOL BC3592 in the Spring. Acceptance into this course requires confirmation of the research project by the course instructors. A Barnard internal mentor is required if the research project is not supervised by a Barnard faculty member. This course cannot be taken at the same time as BIOL BC3593-BIOL BC3594

Fall 2024: BIOL BC3591
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3591 001/00424 M 1:10pm - 3:00pm
308 Diana Center
Jessica Goldstein, Alison Pischedda, JJ Miranda 4.00 10/10
BIOL 3591 002/00425 M 1:10pm - 3:00pm
227 Milbank Hall
Jessica Goldstein, Alison Pischedda, JJ Miranda 4.00 7/9


Per Semester

This year-long course is open to junior and senior Biology majors and minors. Students will complete an independent research project in Biology under the guidance of a faculty mentor at Barnard or another local institution. Attendance at the weekly seminar is required. By the end of the year, students will write a scientific paper about their project and give a poster presentation about their research at the Barnard Biology Research Symposium. Completion of this year-long course fulfills two upper-level laboratory requirements for the Biology major or minor. This course must be taken in sequence, beginning with BIOL BC3591 in the Fall and continuing with BIOL BC3592 in the Spring. Acceptance into this course requires confirmation of the research project by the course instructors. A Barnard internal mentor is required if the research project is not supervised by a Barnard faculty member. This course cannot be taken at the same time as BIOL BC3593-BIOL BC3594

Spring 2024: BIOL BC3592
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3592 001/00578 M 1:10pm - 3:00pm
207 Milbank Hall
Jessica Goldstein, Alison Pischedda, Jordan Balaban 4.00 10/10
BIOL 3592 002/00579 M 1:10pm - 3:00pm
111 Milstein Center
Jordan Balaban, Alison Pischedda, Jessica Goldstein 4.00 10/10


Per Semester

Prerequisites: Permission of a faculty sponsor and the department. Cannot be taken concurrently with BIOL BC3591 or BIOL BC3592.
This year-long course is open to senior Biology majors. Students will complete an independent research project in Biology under the guidance of a faculty mentor at Barnard or another local institution. Attendance at the weekly seminar is required. By the end of the year, students will write a scientific paper about their project and give an oral presentation about their research at the Barnard Biology Research Symposium. Completion of this year-long course fulfills the senior capstone requirement for the Biology major. This course must be taken in sequence, beginning with BIOL BC3593 in the Fall and continuing with BIOL BC3594 in the Spring. Acceptance into this course requires confirmation of the research project by the course instructors. A Barnard internal mentor is required if the research project is not supervised by a Barnard faculty member. This course cannot be taken at the same time as BIOL BC3591-BIOL BC3592

Fall 2024: BIOL BC3593
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3593 001/00423 M 1:10pm - 3:00pm
318 Milbank Hall
Jessica Goldstein, Alison Pischedda, JJ Miranda 4.00 11/11


Prerequisites: Permission of a faculty sponsor and the department. Cannot be taken concurrently with BIOL BC3591 or BIOL BC3592.
This year-long course is open to senior Biology majors. Students will complete an independent research project in Biology under the guidance of a faculty mentor at Barnard or another local institution. Attendance at the weekly seminar is required. By the end of the year, students will write a scientific paper about their project and give an oral presentation about their research at the Barnard Biology Research Symposium. Completion of this year-long course fulfills the senior capstone requirement for the Biology major. This course must be taken in sequence, beginning with BIOL BC3593 in the Fall and continuing with BIOL BC3594 in the Spring. Acceptance into this course requires confirmation of the research project by the course instructors. A Barnard internal mentor is required if the research project is not supervised by a Barnard faculty member. This course cannot be taken at the same time as BIOL BC3591-BIOL BC3592

Spring 2024: BIOL BC3594
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3594 001/00581 M 1:10pm - 3:00pm
903 Altschul Hall
Jessica Goldstein, Alison Pischedda, Jordan Balaban 4.00 9/10

Chemistry (Barnard)


Students enrolled in CHEM BC2001 must also register for a section of,CHEM BC2012.

Corequisites: CHEM BC2012
Atoms; elements and compounds; gases; solutions; equilibrium; acid-base, precipitation, and oxidation-reduction reactions; thermochemistry. Laboratory one day a week. Laboratory experience with both qualitative and quantitative techniques. Counts towards Lab Science Requirement

Fall 2024: CHEM BC2001
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CHEM 2001 001/00051 M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm
Ll002 Milstein Center
Marisa Buzzeo, Andrew Crowther, Rachel Austin 5.00 77/75
CHEM 2001 002/00052 M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm
Ll002 Milstein Center
Marisa Buzzeo, Andrew Crowther, Rachel Austin 5.00 75/75
CHEM 2001 003/00053 M W 4:10pm - 5:25pm
Ll002 Milstein Center
Marisa Buzzeo, Andrew Crowther, Rachel Austin 5.00 75/75

CHEM BC2002 General Chemistry II. 5 points.

Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: CHEM BC2001 or permission of the instructor. Students who have completed CHEM BC3230 or its equivalent may not subsequently receive credit toward the degree for CHEM BC2002. Lecture: TuTh 8:40-9:55; Lab lecture and laboratory: M 1:10-5:00.
Corequisites: Counts towards Lab Science requirement.

Kinetics and mechanisms of chemical reactions; nuclear chemistry and radioactivity; atomic and molecular structure; selected topics in environmental chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry.


Prerequisites: CHEM BC2001 or equivalent. Credit will not be given for any course below the 3000 level after completing CHEM BC3230 or its equivalent. Lecture: MWF: 10:00 - 10:50 AM
Corequisites: With lab, counts towards Lab Science requirement.
Prerequisites: CHEM BC2001 or equivalent. Credit will not be given for any course below the 3000 level after completing CHEM BC3230 or its equivalent. Corequisites: With lab, counts towards Lab Science requirement. Atomic and molecular structure; stereochemistry of organic molecules; introduction to organic reactions, reaction mechanisms, and synthesis

Spring 2024: CHEM BC3230
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CHEM 3230 001/00271 M W F 10:00am - 10:50am
202 Altschul Hall
Christian Rojas 3.00 207/225


Prerequisites: (CHEM BC2001) General Chemistry I with lab.
Corequisites: CHEM BC3230
Prerequisites: (CHEM BC2001) General Chemistry I with lab. Corequisites: CHEM BC3230 Basic techniques of experimental organic chemistry. Principles and methods of separation, purification, and characterization of organic compounds. Selected organic reactions

Spring 2024: CHEM BC3328
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CHEM 3328 001/00282 M 1:10pm - 2:00pm
530 Altschul Hall
Meenakshi Rao 2.50 24/23
CHEM 3328 001/00282 M 2:00pm - 5:30pm
716 Altschul Hall
Meenakshi Rao 2.50 24/23
CHEM 3328 002/00284 T 1:10pm - 2:00pm
805 Altschul Hall
Meenakshi Rao 2.50 24/23
CHEM 3328 002/00284 T 2:00pm - 5:30pm
716 Altschul Hall
Meenakshi Rao 2.50 24/23
CHEM 3328 003/00339 W 1:10pm - 2:00pm
530 Altschul Hall
Meenakshi Rao 2.50 22/23
CHEM 3328 003/00339 W 2:00pm - 5:30pm
716 Altschul Hall
Meenakshi Rao 2.50 22/23
CHEM 3328 004/00340 Th 1:10pm - 2:00pm
202 Altschul Hall
Meenakshi Rao 2.50 24/23
CHEM 3328 004/00340 Th 2:00pm - 5:30pm
716 Altschul Hall
Meenakshi Rao 2.50 24/23
CHEM 3328 005/00341 F 1:10pm - 2:00pm
805 Altschul Hall
Meenakshi Rao 2.50 24/23
CHEM 3328 005/00341 F 2:00pm - 5:30pm
716 Altschul Hall
Meenakshi Rao 2.50 24/23
CHEM 3328 006/00342 T 8:30am - 9:30am
805 Altschul Hall
Meenakshi Rao 2.50 23/23
CHEM 3328 006/00342 T 9:30am - 12:50pm
716 Altschul Hall
Meenakshi Rao 2.50 23/23
CHEM 3328 007/00343 Th 8:30am - 9:30am
805 Altschul Hall
Meenakshi Rao 2.50 19/23
CHEM 3328 007/00343 Th 9:30am - 12:50pm
716 Altschul Hall
Meenakshi Rao 2.50 19/23
Fall 2024: CHEM BC3328
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CHEM 3328 001/00271 T 8:10am - 12:00pm
202 Havemeyer Hall
Meenakshi Rao, Marina Orman 2.50 17/20

Environmental Science (Barnard)

EESC V2100 Earth's Environmental Systems: Climate. 4.5 points.

BC: Partial Fulfillment of General Education Requirement: Laboratory Science (SCI)., BC: Fulfillment of General Education Requirement: Quantitative and Deductive Reasoning (QUA)., Lab Required

Prerequisites: High school algebra. Recommended preparation: High school chemistry/physics, and one semester college science. Enrollment limited.

Studies formation of winds, storms, and ocean currents. Recent influence of human activity: global warming, and climate change. Laboratory exploration of topics through demonstrations, experimentation, computer data analysis, and modeling.

EESC V2200 Earth's Environmental Systems: Solid Earth. 4.5 points.

BC: Partial Fulfillment of General Education Requirement: Laboratory Science (SCI)., Lab Required

Studies plate tectonics: Origin and development of continents, ocean basins, mountain systems on land and sea. Earthquakes, landslides, volcanoes, diamonds, oil. Land-use planning for resource development and conservation. Laboratory exploration of topics through demonstrations, experimentation, computer data analysis, and modeling.

EESC BC3014 Field Methods in Environmental Science. 3 points.

Prerequisites: Enrollment limited. Five required field trips that take a substantial portion of the day.

Problem-oriented, hands-on approach emphasizing the tools, techniques, and observational skills necessary for the understanding of forest ecology and deer management. Field and laboratory work as well as data analysis and interpretation. Field Methods utilizes the outdoor resources of the Hudson River Valley, especially the forest environment at Black Rock Forest, a 4,000-acre preserve near Cornwall, N.Y.


Prerequisites: Enrollment limited. Required field trip on first Friday of the semester.
Prerequisites: Enrollment limited. Required field trip on first Friday of the semester. Hands-on approach to learning environmental methods. Students take a one-day cruise on the Hudson River to collect environmental samples. These samples are then analyzed throughout the semester to characterize the Hudson River estuary. Standard and advanced techniques to analyze water and sediment samples for nutrients and contaminants are taught

Fall 2024: EESC BC3016
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EESC 3016 001/00462 M F 9:00am - 10:50am
743 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Brian Mailloux 3.00 0/0


Prerequisites: One year of college science or EESC V2100 or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: One year of college science or EESC V2100 or permission of the instructor. Acquisition, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of environmental data, assessment of spatial and temporal variability. Focus on water quality issues and storm surges. Uses existing and student-generated data sets. Basic principles of statistics and GIS, uses standard software packages including EXCEL and ArcGIS. Includes a half-day field trip on a Saturday or Sunday. General Education Requirement: Quantitative and Deductive Reasoning (QUA)

Fall 2024: EESC BC3017
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EESC 3017 001/00460 T Th 12:10pm - 2:00pm
222 Milbank Hall
Elizabeth Cook 3.00 13/18
EESC 3017 002/00461 M W 2:10pm - 4:00pm
222 Milbank Hall
Mike He 3.00 16/18

EESC BC3025 HYDROLOGY. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: EESC V2100, physics, or permission of instructor. Includes a weekend field trip. Alternate years. Hands-on study and discussion of the basic physical principles of the water cycle (evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff, and subsurface flow), as well as environmentally relevant applications based on case studies. Special focus on the New York City area, the arid Southwest, and the developing world. Coverage of contemporary global water resources issues, including pollution control, sustainable development, and climate change. General Education Requirement: Quantitative and Deductive Reasoning (QUA)


Enrollment limited to senior majors (juniors with the instructor's permission). Provides credit for the senior thesis. The Senior Research Seminar can be taken Spring/Fall or Fall/Spring sequence.

Guided, independent, in-depth research culminating in the senior thesis in the spring. Includes discussion about scientific presentations and posters, data analysis, library research methods and scientific writing. Students review work in progress and share results through oral reports. Weekly seminar to review work in progress and share results through oral and written reports

Fall 2024: EESC BC3800
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EESC 3800 001/00060 Th 4:10pm - 6:00pm
405 Milbank Hall
Elizabeth Cook, Martin Stute 3.00 38/65